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OP Center

OP Center

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OP Center  A woman becomes involved with a man she barely knows. Complications develop during their sexual escapades.Paul Hood is the newly appointed director of the OP Center, a special agency gathering a wide variety of experts monitoring international crisis. On his first day on the job, nuclear missiles are stolen from the former Soviet Union by terrorists. The team must find out who did it, why, and most importantly, where they are heading so they can retrieve them.

Another solid for a TV-movie

OP Center  Let me start off by saying that I saw the 114 minute long version of this film that was released on DVD. Everything in this review is based on that, as it is the only one I have seen. I have read two of Tom Clancy’s OP Center books, so I knew most of the fictitious people before viewing this film, and I must say, it’s quite fun to watch, having read so much about them… most even looked almost exactly like I imagined they would. The casting department did a great job on that… their work is quite impressive, with just about every single recurring character from the books being perfectly cast, as far as looks, type and personality goes. The plot is interesting, realistic and develops nicely throughout the entire film. The pacing is very good, it keeps you watching and stays quite intense more or less all the way through… blink once, and you might miss something crucial to the story. The acting is pretty much all top-notch, with almost no exceptions. They managed to get some fairly big names(well, for TV, anyway), too. The film has plenty of tension and suspense throughout, with a few scenes being packed to the limit with it. The action is great. Much better than in regular TV-movies. The special effects are also of unusually high quality. My only real problem with this film is that there’s too little of it… it’s clearly cut down from a larger product, and it feels like half a film as a result. I hope I’ll get a chance to see a full mini-series one day. I would love to see the rest of this. I recommend this to any fan of Tom Clancy and any of his books. It’s his style, through and through. Just make sure to see the full one… don’t go for the shortened one I saw, if you can choose either.


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