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A Time Of Destiny

A Time Of Destiny

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A Time Of Destiny  Josie elopes with Jack against her father’s wishes. Her father follows her to the hotel where they are staying and forces Josie to go with him. Jack in turn follows resulting in an accident that leaves her father dead. Marty her brother, who was despised by their father over something he did years ago, sees Jack while grieving over his father and then follows him to Europe where they were fighting the war and was about to kill Jack, when something happened that prevented him. The next thing he knows is that the two of them are being decorated, and somehow the two of them become comrades in arms but when the war ends will their friendship continue or will Marty continue what he set out to do in the beginning?

William Hurt- A performance that transcends this Film.

A Time of Destiny is a very melodramatic film, some might even compare it to a soap opera albeit a very good one. It does have one thing that makes the film captivating to watch and that’s William Hurt’s performance as Martin. He plays a man who is an outsider to his family. A man that has no emotional connections with anyone and has been living with suppressed pain for so long. This performance is one of the most heart breaking and painful performances I have ever seen and I can’t imagine it not haunting any viewer who can see and understand the situation. We see a man filled with so much inner turmoil and pain that he feels vengeance is the only way to salvage it. If there is any such thing as a flawless performance then William Hurt has given it here. It’s without a doubt his best.

Melissa Leo is truly a mesmerizing actress!

Melissa Leo truly is understated and under-appreciated in the Hollywood industry. She was the best female cop since Cagney and Lacey in Homicide. She truly is very attractive in Time of Destiny. I don’t understand how Hollywood can forget such a beautiful presence of hers on screen. With such lovely hair and Irish features, she should easily be one of the hardest working women in show business. I’m shocked she hasn’t received a nomination from Homicide. She is truly a scenestealer. I was so upset from Homicide’s inconsideration and under appreciation of her talent so I gave up watching the show. What a dumb mistake to give her up! In this film, she chews the scenery away from William Hurt and Timothy Hutton. I believe this is her film and her turn. I just wish Hollywood would use this lady more. I wish Kay Howard would turn up on Law and Order since they always need a new cop.

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